Sunday, 19 April 2009

Hypnotic beer advertising - a helluva force

Darth Vader and the evil galactic emperor pushing beer in an ad. It's not big and it's not clever, but it made me laugh. Sadly, the brew itself does not exist. Pity.

George Lucas cashed in pretty much every other way he could.

I have to say, Emperor Palpatine exhorting the masses to 'grab a cold six pack today' was the clincher for me posting this. I daresay this is one of those viral videos everyone else has already seen but me - if so, I crave your indulgence.


Paul Garrard said...

It made I laugh as well.Perhaps it does exist along with the 'Empire' but both under other names?

mewmewmew said...

It's to CAMRA's credit that they have foreign beers at festivals but I am particularly pleased the Cambridge branch takes this opportunity to put them centre stage. Turnout was poor this year; last year's weekend was a washout while this year (and this is something a branch official conceded) it was both poorly advertised and scheduled. It was held 2-3 October; two weeks later and the students would all have been back and chomping at the bit.

neon sign
business opportunity

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I have been successful in taking up the challenge and fulfilling the endeavor finally!!! There cannot be anything better than this.

Extenze Scam said...

I'm so glad I found this post because I've been looking for some information.

JamesColman said...

Very interesting article! Someone can be useful! What a beauty!

Jacob said...

Great, this article just opened my eyes! Very clear and on the case. Thank you for very useful information.